Friday, May 25, 2012

How I got to be "747"

Here is a little “diddy”…not related to any one race.

Someone asked me how I ended up with the number 747 and why I have carried it for the last few years…I really didn’t know, so I asked my dad.

You might get a kick out of this…when going to the races, you always have to fill out a form with all your personal info, AMA numbers, district numbers, and birth day…Typically dad would race too so he had to do it for both of us (need to have a “guardian” for this) – and that’s a lot of “data” to keep straight, he said. Apparently when you get to be of “mature age”, the numbers thing doesn’t work so well and you need help remembering stuff. So he figured that by picking a number that somehow reflected my birth day, he wouldn’t look so lost at the counter when the nice lady would ask him what my birthday was. His usual first response was this blank empty stare – ever shine a light on a deer at night? Nuff said…

Anyway, you have to know that my dad is from Austria, and over there they put the day before the month and the year. So in my case I was born on the 7th of April in 1997, hence the”747”. In addition since my dad works in aviation, he’s familiar with airplanes and he said there is a Boeing 747, so that helped him remember my number…get it? He needed the airplane to remember my number and the number to remember my birthday…I wonder what he’ll come up with when he gets to be of “very mature age”….feel free to bag on him J he can take it…

Pretty soon we’ll come up with some “747” t-shirts…we’ll sell them to help offset some of the costs my racing incurs (I’ve got big plans), and…since the “747” will be on it, I’ll make sure dad has one so he can remember the airplane, that will help him remember my number, that will help him remember my birthday…love you dad.


Hunter “747” Neuwirth

P.S: Please support my sponsors...Moose Racing, Kenda Tires, www.summit-clothing .com ...Thank You!!!

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